“It’s only a matter of time..”

“It is only a matter of time before they find out that I am a fraud and don’t have what it takes.”

I have spent the last few months speaking with founders of fast-growing businesses and a consistent theme that keeps coming up is that although from the outside the picture is of an amazingly successful founder and business, on the inside they feel like they don’t belong, are not up for the job and are carrying around a feeling of dread from the looming possibility of failure.

If this sounds like you, I am here to tell you that you’re not alone.  I can’t tell you how many times these types of words have gone through my own mind over the past few years.  For me it is a lingering legacy of unworthiness that came from not doing well in high school and lacking the results to take the tradition direct pathway to university.  Never mind that those early years were some of the most character-building moments of my life.  My mind still equates this to not being good enough!  This was further reinforced in my twenties when a senior leader told me I wouldn’t amount to anything because of my lack of education.  This was a big turning point for me.  To prove him wrong, I started studying with a vengeance, collecting university degrees, racking up the qualifications and reading deeply.  But even now those old ghosts appear to tell me that I’m not as good as I think I am and that it’s only a matter of time before I am found out.

When you are growing a successful business the greatest obstacle you will have, is the voice inside your head undermining your confidence, hindering your decision making and making it harder to take risks and seize opportunities.  What has helped me immensely and what might benefit you too is finding a coach who can provide a safe space to speak honestly, identify your limiting beliefs, build your confidence and support you to create a plan to achieve what you think is impossible.

It might feel indulgent to take time out for yourself when there are so many challenges in your business, but if you do not work on you, it’s like you have your foot on both the accelerator and the brake.  Coaching can be a powerful way to build your self confidence and overcome the feelings of imposter syndrome.  It would be my privilege to shift you from self-doubt and inadequacy to self-assured and full belief in both you and the future of your business.  

Click on the “Book a Call” button to schedule in for a no-strings attached 30-minute POSSIBILITY DIALOGUE to explore how I can help you.


The 5 C’s founders need to know about to get clarity and allignment.