The 5 C’s founders need to know about to get clarity and allignment.

Are you a founder or CEO of a growing business who is feeling frustrated because of the disconnect between your vision and the output of your team?  Are you bewildered why your people are lacking momentum when you are so energised?
Are you starting to wonder if some of the humans you have hired are not up to the job?

Before you decided to reorganise your entire business, I would suggest pausing and taking a look in the mirror.

Go ahead and ask yourself these questions…

🤔 Do people know what is expected of them? Or do the goal posts keep changing!

🤔 Do you take the time to provide context? Or do you give them a quick brief and expect them to read your mind!

🤔 Does your team member really understand what ‘done’ looks like? Or are they a bit confused!

A team that has clarity and alignment will be a game changer for the productivity and growth of your business.
A tool that I have found super useful is the 5 C’s framework. Credit goes to Brene Brown for the original idea.  
5 C's Framework - Colour, Context, Connective-tissue, Cost and Consequences.
💡 Colour – start by painting a clear picture of what the work looks like, explain the outcome you are seeking and describe your expectation for what ‘done’ looks like.
💡 Context – explain why we are doing this?  Which stakeholders are involved and what are their interests and expectations?  How does this fit into the bigger picture (i.e. the companies' strategy, vision or goals?) 
💡 Connective-tissue – when is this work due and what other actions, deadlines and initiatives are reliant on this? 
💡 Cost – what’s the cost involved in terms of money, time, effort, bandwidth, focus and priorities?
💡 Consequences – what happens if this isn’t completed on time?  What’s at risk if we do nothing here?  What unintended consequences could there be?
I know what you are thinking.  Yes, this does take a bit of extra time upfront, but the investment will accelerate your performance.  And who doesn’t want that?  So why not look in the mirror and get started.
Click on the ‘Get in Touch’ button to access more guidance on how you can transform your business to alligned and energised.


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